Friday, March 30, 2012

Notes #1

As of yesterday I decided to keep a small log of notes to be just a little more organized. I'll transpose them here.

Notes #1-

I didn't get a chance to talk to Sophia about the pictures. Frankly, I don't care that much. It's just doodles, everyone does it. I decided to keep the picture, locked away with this notepad.

As for my nightmares, I have resorted to taking pills after the last nightmare. I don't remember anything from the time the pill kicks in, to the time I wake up.

-End of Notes #1

I plan to keep these notes a secret from Sophia.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Disturbing Picture

While Doing my usual cleaning, I stumbled upon a few pictures. They are very poorly drawn. However, one caught my eye. It was a first person view of my backyard from the kitchen window. There seemed to be an object to the far right. The only part of the caption that is eligible is "STOP". I know I did not draw this and we do not have children. Only leaves one person...Sophia

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Everything has a beginning

...and so I sit here, in front of my computer, typing this post. An introduction that will tell why I am here, for only knowing my name and favorite color is not enough to fuel your curiosity. "What curiosity?", you may find yourself thinking. Well, why are you here, reading a post of a man you never met before? Because you're looking for answers, just like me.

My name is Adam Aneve. I work part time at a fancy-smansy restaurant as a waiter. As of two weeks ago, I began noticing things that has sparked curiosity in me. Strangers, loved ones, and friends going out of their way to lie to me. Shadows I should not be seeings. Nightmares no "normal" human should have. And so, like any other person, I sought help from my own lover, Sophia. "Your just paranoid, you've always been paranoid." Which was the exact response I was expecting from her. Yet, she did give me advice for these Nightmares I have been having. "Don't speak of your nightmares. Write them down. It helps, I promise." So, welcome to my personal journal.

Nightmare #1

I was in a sandbox. It was either way too small for me, or I was way too big. All the other children played their games of hop-scotch, tag, dodge ball, ect ect, yet no one invited me to play. I really wanted to play. I was too shy though to go up and ask to join, so I waited and waited. After waiting for what seemed like eternity, I began to cry. No one wanted me. I got up, still crying, and ran into the woods that surrounded the playground.

I'll just leave! Since no one wants me i'll just run away right now and no one will care... what I continued to hear myself think. I continued to look behind me to see if anyone was following me, chasing after me, wanting me to go back into the playground. No one. I cried even more and began to run faster and faster into the woods.I finally stopped at a BIG oak tree. I sat down underneath it, pulled my legs up, and stuffed my face into them.

I began to smell something. I've never smelt this smell before. I looked up and saw red on my legs. I looked at my hands and they were covered in red paint. I got up and looked around. I was back at the playground. Everyone was lying down. Then it hit me, they were dead. It wasn't paint on my was blood.

End of Nightmare #1

It's blue by the way. My favorite color is blue.