Sunday, April 1, 2012

Notes #2

Notes #2-

I failed to mention this in my last "Notes" section because it did not seem necessary. It does now.

When I found those weird pictures, I also found a long list of emails. Thinking nothing of it, I was about to throw it away but never got around to it. Well, as said before, curiosity got the better of me and I decided to email the first four emails on the list. Only one replied. Miss A. Lucia Cat. I don't know what Sophia's connection to her is, if there is one, and I don't know why she has this list of emails. Should I talk to her about it?

The past couple of days have been quiet. Still no nightmares, which is a good thing, even though I only posted one. Sophia is acting a little more paranoid, saying she sees this man following her. I'm sure it's just the stress getting to her from her new promotion offer since, according to her, every time she tries to catch a glimpse of this "man" he disappears. I'm beginning to feel this online journal has ran it's course. No more nightmares, no more reason to use this.

-End of Notes #2

It's getting late. Time to phone the sand man.

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